30min. CHF 80.- (Skype or in Person)
60min. CHF 160.- (Skype or in Person)
I am no fortune teller. I will never tell you if Mr. Perfect you met a month ago will marry you. You have your free will and your own life to live. I will show you your potential but at the end it is your decision how, why and when you will use it.
No preparation is needed. Sometimes we wish to be told certain things. But there is no guarantee. Also don´t expect to have all your questions answered. Just be open and accepting that the messages and information you need the most at this moment will come through
I don´t want to know anything about you beforehand. Just your Name is enough, but not even that is needed. When in a sitting just answer me with yes, no or I don´t know. After the reading there is the possibility to discuss more if needed. Remember the spirit world works with energy. The more positiv attitude you add the better the reading.
I will not provide recording, but you can record your sitting with me if you want.
A psychic reading is very personal. I generally don´t offer psychic group readings.
I´m only human. I might have a bad day or you and me just don´t click. In such a case I will stop the sitting and not charge for it.
Even in a psychic reading I will give you evidence. Everybody can give you a message or tell you some stuff, but how do you know, that this is really true? Bringing evidence and facts is what makes the experience of visiting a medium special and magical.