It’s time to shine! Marianne Williamson is a spiritual teacher and bestselling author from America and she once said:
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
Why are we here?
The quote itself invites us to question the meaning of life. It has inspired me to think about my own life. Why are we here? What is the meaning of our life?
My mom was a wonderful woman and the best mother I could have wished for. She was always there for us children and sacrificed a lot for us. My mother always worked hard, so we can have a good life. All the money she earned, she saved or spent it on us kids. She didn’t really like her job, but she did it for us.
My mom always said to me: “Once I’m retired, I will go swim with the dolphins! I will do a lot of pottery. Once I’m retired I will go to the beach with my grandchildren!” My mom never retired. She died young and fast having cancer.
After her death I asked myself:
How much time have I left?
I knew why I was here on earth. But I always procrastinated my mission in life. I doubted myself and also thought I’m not good enough. And like my mom I invested all my time in my children and family instead of myself.
How many of us?
How many of us are doing a job, where we are unhappy? Or how many of us are in an unhappy relationship? How many of us are waiting until we win the lottery before we live our dreams? How many of us are waiting for retirement?
I don’t say you have to resign from work. But please live your life, please find your purpose. Live your dreams and hopes!
Not to do it makes us empty inside, unhappy or one day even sick. We humans have so much in common. We doubt our own qualities and are afraid of our light.
We are afraid of our light, of the unknown, of change. But fear destroys our light. Fear destroys our dreams, hopes and our inner peace.
What is Fear? FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. It’s a projection of something in the future, which didn’t happen yet. In truth it is just an illusion. It is thoughts in our mind, concepts. But we give fear so much power. It is important to learn how to overcome that fear. We should drop the fear of life and of our light.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
In spirituality we can find many answers. We can overcome these fears, these mind concepts. As a medium I make a great effort to reunite people from the spirit world with the people here on earth, I bring evidence for life after death. This brings healing but it should also encourage everybody to look inside. It should invite everybody to live our life now.
We are all here to work on our purpose. Our evolution is a law of nature.
Look within
If we look within we can see our light. We all have unique qualities. We are a big reservoir of potential. Each soul has a purpose to fulfil, that’s why we are here. By looking within we recognise our qualities and potential. We see who we really are and are able to experience the power of our soul. If we see the light in us, we are able to see the light in others too. While working on us, we give others the permission to work on themselves too.
Yes, now we know there is a life after death. So we have the possibility and chance to work on us in the spirit world. Maybe you ask yourself why you should do it while alive?
Imagine your are lying on your deathbed and you are full of regrets. You haven’t lived your dreams, you didn’t live your potential. What do you think will be the first experience, your first thoughts once you pass over to the spirit world?
This is a terrible thought for me personally! Certainly there will be no punishment, but how will we feel?
My mom had regrets at the end. But I also know that she is happy now, she is with her grandchildren. But through her experiences I realised that I want to live my life to the fullest. I want to use the time I have left.
I hope you all do better than my mom, God bless her. I wish all of you that you let your light shine brightly. But also that you live your potential and your purpose. You have the power to be that human you wish to be. We all have a choice to work on us, to recognise our light and develop it. If not now, then later.
Life is fragile and can end anytime. Live now, have no fear and regrets. Be powerful beyond measure.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
Many questions might arise if you are interested in mediumship, meditation, spiritualism and self development. Don’t hesitate to contact me. I will try my best to answer also as many questions as possible on my blog, on my videos, in my newsletter.